Kanae Yoshioka
Japanese Century Symphony Orchestra players
Born in Nagano Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Music at Komoro High School, he graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts and completed the Graduate School of Music at the same university. He received the Co-op Award and the Acanthus Music Award at the university. Oskar & Vera Ritter Foundation, Yudi Menuhin Music Foundation Scholarship to the Hamburg University of Music and Drama. He has previously performed at Seiji Ozawa Music School, Pacific Music Festival (PMF), Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival, Afinis Summer Music Festival, etc. 9th Carlino International Clarinet Competition, Finalist. No.3 (2 No. ) in the 28th Japan Woodwind Competition. Since 2015, he has been a clarinetist with the Japan Century Symphony Orchestra.